Three keys to training in relational effectiveness at work through acting techniques

Jun 17, 2019 | Anglais, Uncategorized

The work has changed a lot since the massive integration of new IT tools that have contributed to an acceleration of the work. Can we ask individuals for the same evolution, especially in their relationship at work? As human time is not comparable to machine time, the development of relational skills will have to integrate 3 keys to hope to act effectively: limit theoretical contributions, favor professional simulation times, guide everyone on their achievements and possible progress.

The “training by actor techniques” approach makes it possible to effectively develop relational skills based on these 3 keys. Used by Quilotoa for nearly 20 years, they have proven to be effective in developing interpersonal communication skills. This is true regardless of the position, status or function of individuals.
Based on practice, accessible to all, they act first on the individual and his resources, while then giving him the means to make full use of his new skills. The key: increased self-confidence, enhanced impact and more fluid professional relationships

1. Limit theoretical contributions by linking them to experience

This type of training leads to a focus on “experience”. Our behavior in a communication situation is in line with our achievements and feelings. Any conceptual contribution is all the more useful because it sheds light on the experience and encourages the implementation of new strategies.

2. Give priority to time spent in a professional situation

Pedagogues have long emphasized training activities that are closely linked to the “workstation”. For transversal skills, professional situations constitute the playground on which trainees practice and from which they obtain qualified feedback from the actor-trainer.
For these working hours to be effective in promoting learning, they must be drawn from the trainees’ daily lives and reflect the reality of the difficulties experienced.
To avoid the inevitable “failings” of these situations when they are played between the trainees (derision, devaluation or accentuation of the proposals), Quilotoa proposes the intervention of an actor, to “play” one of the protagonists in the situation. The result is a more effective experimentation phase for trainees.

3. Guide everyone on their achievements and possible progress

These times of simulation and experimentation will be all the more important as the trainees benefit from an informed reading of “what happened” during the course. This first feedback highlights personal strategies and their effects. Moreover, thanks to a benevolent look at people, the actor-trainer refers to each person’s assets to communicate in the situation and suggests development paths to guide his or her progress.

QUILOTOA Training – Specialist in the development of relational skills since 1993

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